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Peter Williams AM

Ray Cangadis
Sean Earl

Aaron Hughes
Colin Brandt
Erin Donovan
Greg Meyers
Jacqueline Hays
James Park
Jerome Peredo

Maryanne McRedmond
Peter Wolf
Sejal Karadia

WILLIAMS BOAG architects (WBa) is a Melbourne based architectural firm providing expertise in the fields of architecture, planning, urban design and interior design. WBa was established in 1975 and has built a professional reputation based on carefully designed and finely crafted architectural solutions. 


WBa practices with an alignment of purpose, personal commitment and accountability, and share one common goal: the provision of fit-for-purpose design solutions from concept to hand over. Clients enjoy responsiveness, personal commitment, and agility in project delivery brought to their project.


WBa's commitment to a sustainable future is without question. The company's approach to responsible design is to address sustainability in an holistic manner through all project typologies acknowledging the different facets of sustainability - social, cultural, ecological, and economic and responding to the various challenges with a considered approach to their impact on the design and delivery process.​


WBa's design approach starts by addressing sustainability issues and opportunities in the concept or master-planning phase of any project which leads into consideration of the environmental impacts generated by the selection of building systems and services, the choice of materials, and the application of passive and active design strategies.


Awards and Industry Recognition

AIA National Awards 2021

The Lachlan Macquarie Award for Heritage Architecture

Bendigo Former Mining Exchange


AIA Victorian Chapter 2021

The John George Knight Award for Heritage Architecture

Bendigo Former Mining Exchange


AIA Victorian Chapter 2020

Award for Heritage - Creative Adaptation

Abbotsford Convent Magdalen Laundry


MBA National Excellence in Building and Construction Awards 2015 

Commercial/ Industrial Project $20M - $50M 

Winyu House


Bayside Built Environment Award 2015

Most Outstanding Contribution over the Past Decade

John Knox Church


AIA Victorian Chapter 2014

Award for Multiple Housing

Richmond DHS Housing


Bendigo Heritage Awards 2013

Winner of ‘Development within a Heritage Area’

Howard Place Safe Transport Space


CEFPI Awards 2012

Australasia Regional Winner, Overall Winner 

Gungahlin College, Library CIT Learning centre & Town Park


CEFPI Awards 2012

Australasia Regional Winner

Category 1: New Educational Facility Construction/Entire Educational Facility

Gungahlin College, Library CIT Learning centre & Town Park


Bayside Built Environment Award 2011 

'Best Heritage Renovation & Restoration'

John Knox Church 


City of Monash World Environment Day Built Environment Award 2011 

James Gormley Bike Arrival Station


School Design Awards 2010

Best School Awards above $3.5m

Altona P-9 College


City of Whitehorse - Building a Better City Design Awards 2009
Winner Best New Institutional Building Award

Box Hill High School

Winner Environmental Sustainability - Institutional Award
Box Hill High School

Winner Mayoral Award
Box Hill High School


Dulux Interior Design Awards 2009

Winner Sustainable Interiors Award

TAC Geelong Headquarters


Architectural Excellence in the South East Award 2009

Outstanding Building Conservation

Port Phillip Accomodation Project, St Kilda Town Hall


RAIA Heritage Award 2008

Centre for  Theology and Ministry and Dalton McCaughey Library, University of Melbourne 


RAIA Public Architecture Award: Alterations & Additions 2008

Port Phillip Accommodation Project, St Kilda Town Hall 


Architectural Excellence in the South East Award 2007

Best Commercial Building

Montalto Vineyard & Olive Grove


MBA Excellence in Construction Award 2007

Commercial  Buildings $10M-$20M

Dalton McCaughey Library and Centre for Theology


RAIA The Special Jury Award 2005
Inkerman Oasis Stage 1


RAIA (Victorian Chapter) 2005 Sir Osborne McCucheon Award
Commercial Architecture Melbourne
Melbourne GPO Redevelopment


RAIA The Commercial Architecture Award 2005

Melbourne GPO Redevelopment


RAIA (Victorian Chapter) 2005  Harold Desbrowe-Annear Residential Architecture Award

Inkerman Oasis Stage 1


Exemplar Status and National Jury Commendation in the ‘Towards Sustainable Communities Award’ 2004

Inkerman Oasis Housing Development


RAIA National Commendation for Sustainable Architecture 2003

Monash Science Centre, Monash University


Stockholm Partnership for Sustainable Cities

Inkerman Oasis Housing Development, St Kilda 2002


RAIA Commendation Award

Institutional Architecture Alterations and Additions

McClelland Gallery Langwarrin June 2000.


United Nations Association of Australia World Environment Day Award 2000


Local Government Best Specific Environmental Initiative award
The Depot housing project, St Kilda
June 2000.



Urban Development Institute of Australia Excellence Award 1999

Former St Kilda Uniting Church Site, St Kilda


RAIA Joseph Reed Award for Urban Design 1999

Former St Kilda Uniting church site, St Kilda


City of Melbourne Building and Planning Awards 1994

Merit Award, Multiple Dwellings Category

Tyne Street Redevelopment Project, Carlton


RAIA Walter Burley Griffin Award for Urban Design 1994

Tyne Street Redevelopment Project, Carlton


RAIA Victorian Architecture Medal 1994
Tyne Street Redevelopment Project, Carlton


RAIA Merit Award 1993

Multiple Residential

Tyne Street Redevelopment Project, Carlton


RAIA Merit Award 1990

Residential Alterations & Extensions

King House, Rye


RAIA Merit Award 1988

Institutional Alterations & Extensions

Mount Waverley High School - Staff Admin Area Upgrade


RAIA Merit Award 1987

Multiple Housing

Cole Street Housing Project, Williamstown


RAIA Merit Award 1985

Institutional Architecture

St. Helena Post Primary School, St Helena


RAIA Citation 1979

Project House Award

Landmark Project House “Sun House” Templestowe July 1979


The Herald - HIA Top Homes 85 

Narrak Road Display House for Landmark Builders (Category Display ‘D’ - over 190m2) September 1977


The Age/RAIA House of the Year Award 1975

Langner House,Canterbury


The Age/RAIA Citation No. 26
Alterations to Terrace House,
Park Drive, Parkville. April 1975



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